Sunday, February 11, 2007

from my son

from my son, originally uploaded by Jen!!.

personal note to go with picture: my son (7) wrote this to me probably two months ago. Since he lives with me part time, on the days when he's not here, the note is a sweet reminder of him. It's in my kitchen, so I see it every day. Also in my kitchen is a prayer (if you will) that I read every day as well, and have for probably 4 or 5 years now: "I was angered for I had no shoes. Then I met a man who had no feet." During the rough times in my marriage, when I felt like no matter how hard I tried I just wasn't doing well enough--not loving enough, not generous enough, simply not enough --whatever it was that I was believing was wrong with me (and always wrong with me, never wrong with him--oh wait, this shit is supposed to go in my private blog. sorry.), anyhow, the prayer helped to keep me focused on all the wonderful gifts in my life.

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