Sunday, August 19, 2007

Vacation out West

Devils Tower, originally uploaded by Jen!!.

This shot was taken on the trail around Devils Tower in Wyoming. We got three shots--one with Julia in the middle, one with Jasper in the middle and one with me in the middle. They all turned out really well and it was hard choosing which one to post.

The vacation was grand. The kids were fantastic (except at bedtime--then it turned into a fight over who had what space and who was invading someone else's space and who was hogging all the covers). We saw lots of animals and, thankfully, no rattlesnakes.

We saw Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse and the Badlands. We didn't miss out on Wall Drug and we enjoyed their free water.

The kids got to use my old camera and the video camera. They asked tons of great questions and even the long car rides were a pleasure. We had great conversations about God, Native Americans (and what little I could tell them about their NA heritage), life, people, and good vs. bad.

We splashed in the pool and relaxed in the hot tub. We gave thanks for all the beauty that surrounded us.

I simply don't have the right words to express how much the whole vacation touched me.

Sunday, August 05, 2007


jules, originally uploaded by Jen!!.

There are many enigmas in my life right now. This little girl right here, as shown in this picture at least, is a wonderful mystery to me. I will probably never understand all the dimensions that make her who she is. (Aside: I would like to have some basic understanding of myself. Maybe then I'll have further insight into these perplexing people/things in my life.)

Alas, back to the girl. The lip gloss--she was helping me clean out my dresser drawer and helped herself to a generous application of it. The wings--"look at me mommy! I'm a fairy!" The blue suitcase--a gift from my dad and a favorite toy of mine as a kid. The dinosaur--a garage sale treasure from several years ago. The box she's putting the dinosaur into--a homemade teenage mutant ninja turtle box made by Holly and Jasper way back in our NJ days.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

at the end of a long day. . .

at the end of a long day, originally uploaded by Jen!!.

You know that song "The Woman With You"? "Been juggling, struggling, closing big deals. Dancing backwards in high heels. And just when it feels like I can't make it through. . .It sure is nice to just be the woman with you."

The scarecrow gets moved around and this evening I found him on the bench, with his shoulder ready and waiting for me.

It sure is nice. . .

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Religion with an attitude

Religion with an attitude, originally uploaded by Jen!!.

When I saw this bumper sticker, I got to thinking about the type of person who would put it on their car. I'm guessing that it's someone who is spiritually deep. Maybe his friends are not as much so. Maybe he respects their beliefs but was looking for a way to say that his beliefs were just as valid, and maybe, just maybe, he wanted an in-your-face way of saying it. I love it: "I pray. Get used to it." Doesn't leave room for discussion, and isn't that the way it should be? I respect your beliefs. Respect mine.