Friday, April 06, 2007

Long time no post

I have been accused, on more than one occasion, of taking life too seriously. I have also been accused of not taking things as seriously as I should. Sometimes I feel like all I say to my kids is "no" or "don't" and I worry about that. Then I realize that I also say "yes" quite a bit and that we tend to have a lot of fun together. This shot is from a week or so ago. We were all getting ready to go to school/work. I opened the blinds at the front of the house, letting in a flood of intense spring sunlight that shone on the shades across the room. The shadows were so well defined that I had to grab my camera. Jasper jumped in to be part of the shadow play. Is that taking things seriously, or not seriously enough? No one was late. We had a little fun.

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