Sunday, April 22, 2007

Allerton Park

If Allerton Park was still a private residence, I think it would be in my top 5 dream houses. The house is huge (which makes no difference to me) it's the woodwork inside, the windows looking outside and the acres and acres of land that turn me on. Ideally, I'd like a house so far removed from everything that I could leave the curtains open all the time and not have a thing to worry about. I could watch the world go by. I could keep up a net to play badminton, have a swimming pool, have room to play, . . . I'm really dreaming here. First of all, it would have to be one heck of a lottery that I would win to make the dream come true. And if I did win the lottery, I'm not certain that I'd spend the money on such a thing anyway.

There's a Fu Dog garden at the park that I visited today with my kids and my friend Beth. All the dogs are different, or at least to my eye they are. I'm not certain why, but I think this one is saying "Yeke!"

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