Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Mount Hope Cemetery

cemetery, originally uploaded by Jen!!.

So I had to decide--blog another photo of my kids or another one of a cemetery. How do you like my choice? I snapped this shot with my camera phone while out for a walk in the middle of the day a week or two ago. It was a beautiful day and I wish the camera could have captured more of that.

My kids are probably too young at this point for me to have a conversation about what to do with me when I die (besides having swag bags at the funeral!), but I'm not convinced that I want to be buried somewhere. If that's what they want, they'll get their way. Does anyone out there feel passionately about what happens to their remains after they're gone?


Miss E said...

I want to be composted. See Mary Roach's Stiff for more info.

Sara Latta said...

I second miss e. But there is something about visiting the family cemetery plot that provides a valuable connection. I remember visiting my grandmother's plot one Memorial Day with my parents. Seeing the gravestones of other members of the family prompted stories of a scoundrel and other dark family stories. I think I'd never have heard them if they'd been scattered to the winds.

That said, I think that the current practice of taking up precious land with a body preserved with toxic chemicals is unsustainable.

Oh, can you tell I've been thinking about this?