Saturday, January 26, 2008

Lake of the Woods

family, originally uploaded by Jen!!.

The problem I have (the only one, for sure), is that no matter where I go to find a private space for myself, I always end up thinking that, whatever place it is, it would be so much better if someone were there to share it with me.

Today I toyed with the idea of taking the kids swimming or ice skating. Clearly I ditched both of these ideas and instead took them out to a nearby forest preserve that I occasionally "get away" to. Behind us is a small pond, where last week I could look through the frozen ice and see the koi swimming around. The kids didn't get to see that today since there was a dusting of snow over the ice. Instead, the kids made snow angels, drew pictures of hearts in the snow, threw snowballs onto the pond, and had an all around great time.

Maybe this lack of a place that I can escape to isn't so much of a problem. I guess I'll have to whisk together another problem. (Which reminds me, I need to start prepping dinner.)

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