Monday, December 31, 2007

December, where the days fly by

I'm not really sure where the whole month has gone, but sure enough it's the end of the month. The end of the year, in fact. This has been a great month. My son turned 8 and had a party at the roller skating rink and no one got hurt! Christmas was full of family time, great food and thoughtful, wonderful presents. I'm taking a week's vacation in January and really looking forward to it. Until then I can look at this picture of my Christmas tree from this year and think of what a great month, and what a great year, it's been.

1 comment:

Psycho Kitty said...

Thank you for the good vibes over my way...and I like your tree! (And the fact that you can have a party of 8-yr old boys without sustaining injuries--now THAT is a Christmas miracle!)