Sunday, May 13, 2007


He had early dismissal in the middle of last week, so we got to play a little bit. He's my sunshine (or is that sonshine?). Whatever. He's wonderful. It's hard to believe that he's 7 years old. No one tells you when you have kids that it's a balance of letting go and guiding toward goodness at the same time. He wins. He's awesome. It's not easy, this parenthood thing. And if you get a child that has special needs or a disability or anything out of the ordinary, it's an extra challenge. And I'm thankful for it. He's a joy and a great child and I'm proud to say that I'm his mom. How do some moms make it look so easy? For me it's so much work. Not in a bad way. Or are other people struggling silently and I just don't know?

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