The kind where, when you walk into a room, the people there start talking in code? Or they think they're talking in code, but either they're not as smart as they think they are, or you're not as dumb as they think you are, so you know that they're talking about something related to you? And this comes on the heels of other similar things and political doings of other coworkers? And, if you're like me, you start to wonder if it's all worth it. Most of the time I don't care that the 50-60 hours a week that I work go unnoticed. That others around me are praised just for showing up and staying awake (only a slight exaggeration there). But today, I'm just about ready to give up. And in a neato twist of events, I needed to test my tape deck (so I can take it in to work for one of the profs to use for a class), and the tape I grabbed was Circle by Edie Brickell and the New Bohemians. "I quit. I give up. Nothings good enough for anybody else, it seems. And I quit. I give up. Nothings good enough for anybody else, it seems. and. and being alone is the best way to be. when I'm by myself it's the best way to be. when I'm all alone it's the best way to be. when I'm by myself nobody else can say goodbye." Yes. It was one of those days. Today, I've lost all perspective. And that's one of the few qualities of mine that I appreciate.

I'm out of focus, and I'm pulling on my hair. I repeat: it. was. one. of. those. days.
p.s. Does it sound like I work in a junior high school? It sure feels that way sometimes.
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