When I lived in New Jersey, and worked in NY, the bus I took went over the Raritan river right before pulling off onto Exit 9 (shout out to all y'all who understand what that means). At one point, I was regularly catching a bus that, when running on time, would cross over the river in time for me to see the rowing teams. I'm guessing that they were from Rutgers, but I'm not sure. Anyhow, it was always a wonderful sight to see and I always tried to sit on the right-hand side of the bus so that I could watch them for the brief seconds before they were out of sight.
This warm memory was brought up for me recently when I watched a movie with rowing in it (a very small part of the movie, mind you) that a friend had loaned me. This picture isn't mine, I found it on the Rutgers website. The article is from 2004, so it could even be that this is one of the people I used to gaze at.

There was also an old abandoned riverboat on the other side of the bridge--I always enjoyed seeing that one on my ride in to the city, especially on foggy mornings.