I slowly wandered through, thinking about all the great things in my life. I only snapped a few pictures while I was in there (including several where I was using the timer and trying to grab a pic of myself. Yeah. That didn't go so good, but the outtakes make me laugh.). Not that there wasn't gorgeous scenery to be captured, I was just letting it all wash over me. Every morning I make time to enumerate and give thanks for blessings, large and small, in my life. I do it at other times throughout the day sometimes too, but I think I'd like to incorporate it into my evenings on a more regular basis, just like the morning ritual. It was nice walking through this garden space and letting my mind wander wherever it needed to go. Ultimately, no matter what else might be bothering me, it always seems to end up coming up with the good things in my life. And for that, I am thankful.