Monday, February 26, 2007
Old clothes

Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Memory Lane
Here's Michael:

Here's Gracie:

Sunday, February 18, 2007
A case of the crazies

I made it out to Kickapoo State Park to go hiking. I suppose that I'm not the brightest bulb on the string because, while I knew that there would be tons of beautiful snow, I didn't really consider that the 14" of snow (plus drifting) that we got here, would also be the case at the park. (duh.) The smart people wore cross country skis. I was the only human foot tracks in the forest. On the plus side, that means that I had plenty of time to myself. The air was cold and brisk, the sun was shining, and there was glorious silence. There was also laughter from the sledders, snippets of conversations from the cross country skiers, birds calling out from overhead, and the sweet sound of my hiking boots sinking down so far into the snow that I was covered in the white stuff up to my knees. So now I'm thinking that next time I go out on a day like this, I might tie tennis rackets to my boots. Or rent snow shoes. Whatever.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
snow, Snow SNow SNOW

Sunday, February 11, 2007
from my son
personal note to go with picture: my son (7) wrote this to me probably two months ago. Since he lives with me part time, on the days when he's not here, the note is a sweet reminder of him. It's in my kitchen, so I see it every day. Also in my kitchen is a prayer (if you will) that I read every day as well, and have for probably 4 or 5 years now: "I was angered for I had no shoes. Then I met a man who had no feet." During the rough times in my marriage, when I felt like no matter how hard I tried I just wasn't doing well enough--not loving enough, not generous enough, simply not enough --whatever it was that I was believing was wrong with me (and always wrong with me, never wrong with him--oh wait, this shit is supposed to go in my private blog. sorry.), anyhow, the prayer helped to keep me focused on all the wonderful gifts in my life.
Thursday, February 01, 2007
My little birdy

We haven't had much snow so far this winter, so when we got about 3" two weeks ago, the kids were outside in a flash to have a snowball fight and build a snowman. The snowman turned out more like a short, stout snow ghost, but it's pretty cute. You can see it on Flickr here. It had melted a little already when Jasper added the raisin eyes, nose, mouth and buttons, but it wasn't so much bigger to begin with. I love snow.