This picture was taken last summer. My grandma passed away almost two weeks ago, 8 days shy of her 96th birthday. I'm so glad that my kids got to meet their great grandmother and enjoy her smile. They'll never know her the way I know her. I loved my summer visits in Kentucky. I loved them even more once there was an indoor toilet and shower. :)
Julia went with me and Sean to the funeral. I adored watching her pick wildflowers during the graveside service. I'm pretty sure my grandma would have adored it too.
My aunt lives on the property where my grandparents' house still stands (unoccupied and in need of serious work). My daughter was sad that the kittens I played with when I was young were no longer there (I tried to explain it. Several different ways. Didn't work.).
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
the kids with their Great-Grandma
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
chalk kids
The kids are now 8 and 10. I love that they're still great friends. They play together a lot (and fight a lot too). I'm glad that JW was wearing a dress so that you can tell which chalk outline is the girl one (in case the hands on the hips didn't give it away). :) When I mentioned to JT that he looked like a penguin, he said that he stuck out his hands because he wanted them to show. They are both so stinkin' adorable. Wrapped around their fingers I am. And happy to be so.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Allerton in late October
I love all of Allerton, and I can't pick a favorite spot to save my life (when have I ever been able to pick a favorite of anything?), but I have a special affinity for the south woods. Not that I've run into a lot of people when hiking on the other side of the river, but I usually only see a couple of people (if any at all) in the south woods. I see more wildlife. The dog can roam free for a bit (shhh . . . don't tell anyone!). Fall in the woods is a wonderful time. The leaves are thick on the ground, but moist enough that it's not a constant crunching sound under your feet.
I love autumn.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Guana: the beach
This is where we spent our honeymoon: Guana Island in the British Virgin Islands ( I can't imagine anywhere else being more perfect. No TVs, no radio. Just us, hiking, eating, drinking, sleeping, snorkeling, talking, relaxing. I never imagined that I could spend an entire day lounging on a beach, but it turns out I can. (And I can't wait to do it again!) This is where we sat and read, swam, snorkeled and pretty much just lazed while sipping Painkillers and enjoying the peace and stillness that Guana offered up to us.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Showing our respects at Arlington
For spring break we took a road trip to DC. We found ourselves with some extra time one day and went to Arlington National Cemetery. We had already done quite a bit of walking that day so bought tickets for the bus and stood in line waiting for quite a while. Someone (no, no, certainly not me!) got them riled up while waiting and once we got on the bus I turned around to take a picture of Sean and Jasper, on the seat behind me and Julia, and this is the result. Two camera hogs. Sheesh. What, were they raised on a funny farm?
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Chained to these loving arms

If I was a saint I would not cry
If I knew better I'd just get by
If I was a child I wouldn't worry
But all they understand is a poker face
And a winning hand
Go tell it to the jury
Well, now, dreams are not the only stuff of life
I know that well, 'cause I'm lying safe and sound in your
arms tonight
And I'm Chained To These Lovin' Arms
Chained To These Lovin' Arms
Ain't never gonna leave them
(Patty Larkin)
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Hey, there

Even though I know better, I tend to measure myself by other people's yardsticks (or however that phrase goes). I've been getting away from such behavior and looking at the three people above helps keep things in perspective. I know what a wonderful life I have, and I'm thankful for it.
p.s. My son is not naked. I don't know why I feel the need to state that, but I do. :)